I decided to date myself. Literally.
So...this book isn't about nursing or healthcare. This book is about me and my story of mending a broken heart.
Like many journeys, the impetus for this one was personal tragedy: your basic Boy breaks Girl’s heart archetype.
However, this is not a tale about the breaking, but of the putting back together.
I made a list, a List of fifty Dates to go on with myself.
It varied from different things to do, places and events to experience, spirits to drink and foods to eat, times to relax, challenges I didn’t have the balls to face, and much more.
This memoir from a determined-to-move-on Millennial is about a year of hitting the reset button.
It’s about balancing bonafide self-indulgence and becoming a better version of myself.
It’s about new adventures in the uncertain realm of being single and unattached, sprinkled with side stories of inappropriate hilarity.
I hope you get to enjoy reading it at least half as much as I enjoyed living it.
First out Valentine’s Day 2020
The Reboot: 50 Dates with Myself won 2nd Place in Memoir
in the 2017 PNWA Literary Contest. In 2021 it was a Nancy Pearl Award memoir finalist.
To read the prologue, click here.
No. 21 - Enter a contest.
Crash Test Donkey.