Fan Mail Mondays, May 2018

This Monday was Memorial Day. I felt weird posting my unrelated fan mail while other people were posting stories from the beloved fallen, so here it is now. A bit late, but here nonetheless.

This month's Fan Mail Monday I wrote to my good old friend and author Addison O'Donnell. We went to high school together and were drama nerds. I finally found time to read his book Beans on Toast which he wrote after successfully instigating a Kickstarter project to fund a week-long stay in a hotel to bust out a novel of sorts. He locked himself in a room with a typewriter (and two deer heads) for a week to do nothing but write, think, drink, and postulate on Fate. He also live streamed the stay. Addison lives in Chicago, check his blog out click here.

The second fan mail love-letter I wrote was to Amy Schumer. I recently saw her latest movie I Feel Pretty by myself on a Sunday afternoon, sans makeup or clothing without stains (see Instagram post below). I have always admired her comedy.* There was a time that I became mildly obsessed* with her work during my Reboot experience (see "Book" section of website) and even tried to do stand-up comedy once. It was kind of a fail*, but it made me respect her so much for what she does, how she represents women, and her no-bullshit attitude and her storytelling talents. Trainwreck was so timely in my late-20s; and now, I'm still following her work after entering my 30s and getting married. Her audiobook, the Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo, has me laughing shamelessly while I'm out joggingSo, I wrote my love letter to her publicist (because a star as big as Amy doesn't hand out her email on the internet) hoping that it might not get deleted and passed on to my favorite person in Hollywood. I even made my Instagram account public for a hot minute after I posted at the movie theater, hoping against starry-eyed hope that @amyschumer might give me a thumbs-up emoji comment. No reply as of yet, but of course she's kind of a badass, busy woman. Hoping to see her perform live someday.

That's all for fan mail this month! 

*severe understatement
